Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dok B Complex:
Dok B is another amazing product of do ked that combines all the vitamin B complex from the selected variety of cerials; scientifically process to maximize natural nutrients for health restorationeven from dreadd diabetes, colon problem, insomia, thyroid disorder, nervousness and othet mental disorder. One in a hot water. A miracle food substitute.

Vit.B1 (thiamine), Vit B2 (riboflavin), Vit.B3, Niacin from the oat bran and wheat bran.
SOYA “isoflones”-anti cancer / prevent and heal
OATS “high fiber” –improve bowel, best for slimming
GANISTENE –anti-aging / rejuvenator
LECITHIN –brain enhancer/memory
-cholesterol / blood clot remover
-cleanse / improve nerve function
WHEAT “trytophan” –produce good sleep, serotonin
MORE VITAMINS –B6, A, C, E, and K.
RICH IN MENIRALS –calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, chlorine, sulfur.
SUNFLOWER SEEDS “”linolic acids –convert to omega 3

Helps constipation, any cancer, menopausal complication in women, osteoporosis, pregnant women, nursing mother and growing children, anemia, asthma, hearth disease and high blood pressure.

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